Security Management System

Our team of Security Consultants advises clients on the development of a Security Management System refer to SMP Objek Vital Nasional & Objek Tertentu (Perpol No. 07/2019) integrated with any existing Management Systems such as Asset, Quality, Health & Safety and Environment.

A bespoke Security Management System will incorporate an effective Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle customized to a client’s need, as well as any regulatory requirements such as Perpol 07/2019, ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management System, ISO 55000 Asset Management, ISO 27000 Information Security Management System and others.

We can also provide Assessments and Audits to examine the effectiveness of an existing Security Management System within an organization.

In order to enhance security understanding, improve security culture, and achieve full security implementation, we can provide organisations with Major Threat and Vulnerable Standard (MTVS) tools. MTVS is Pegasus’s capability to support companies in developing strong fundamentals to implement an excellent security management system from operational to strategic level.